Tag: Patti Smith
“just kids”.. reloaded!
“We learned we wanted too much. We could only give from the perspective of who we were and what we had. Apart, we were able to see with even greater clarity that we didn’t want to be without each other.”
“We learned we wanted too much. We could only give from the perspective of who we were and what we had. Apart, we were able to see with even greater clarity that we didn’t want to be without each other.”
ben-jeff-patti ve robert
“Robert and I were always ourselves ’til the day he died, we were just exactly as we were when we met. And we loved each other. Everybody wants to define everything. Is it necessary to define love?” Patti Smith
İz Bırakanlar: Dream With The Fishes
Nedir Dream with the Fishes? Bir film.. 1997 yılının yağmurlu bir İstanbul gününde, ne yazık ki artık olmayan güzelim Alkazar Sineması’nda tamamen tesadüfen izlenmiş, filmin sonundaki şarkı ve bilumum yazılar bitene kadar beni koltuğa mıhlamıştır…